St Mary's Churchyard

This article records details from all of the memorials in the churchyard at St Mary's Parish Church, Norton,.

Where there is a headstone present but time and the weather have made the inscription unreadable, the burial is marked but the associated details are left blank and annotated,(?).

The numbers recorded against each entry are purely for the purpose of this record and do not indicate any order of burial or relate to the actual plot number.

There are, of course, many hundreds of other burials that have taken place in the churchyard over the course of time where headstones were not erected and the site of the burial is no longer evident.  Unfortunately these can no longer be identified and have not been recorded.

I apologise for any errors in the transcription of memorial verses or biblical extracts, in the identification of names, in the recording of dates, or indeed for any mistakes that may be present.

I have photos of most of the graves should anyone be interested.

Created:                      1 July 1995

Last Updated:             3 August 2023

I have amended the graphic to form four views of the graveyard which I hope makes the entries easier to read.


Name:                                                               No:


Agascar, Jean E                                                   20

Allen, Ann                                                         208

Allen, John                                                        208

Allonby, Frederick                                             293

Allonby, Julia Mary                                            293

Arbuthnot, Ronald                                                +

Archer, Edwin                                                    104

Archer, Henrietta Matilda                                  104

Archer, Howard                                                    +

Archer, Howard (Bob)                                        102

Archer, Mary Annie                                            102

Archer, Sydney                                                     +

Archer, William                                                  102

Archer, William Harold                                      104

Arkell, F?                                                             97

Arkell, Jonathan                                                   97

Arnold, Elsie                                                        10

Arnold, Ernest Charles                                        10


Bailey, Annie                                                      79

Bailey, Emily E                                                 194

Bailey, George                                                    79

Bailey, Harry Ernest                                         194

Bainbridge, Thomas                                          103

Ballinger, Margaret                                           135

Ballinger, Pearson                                             135

Barnard, Hannah                                                 43

Barnard, Robert                                                  43

Barnard, William                                                 42

Barnes, Kenneth                                                 61

Barnes, Irene Nancy                                           61

Barns, William Harding                                    123

Bartlett, Charlotte                                             177

Bartlett, George Moulder                                 216

Bartlett, Thomas                                               177

Baylis, Charlotte                                               271

Baylis, Elizabeth                                               271

Baylis, Joseph                                                   271

Beale, Eric Victor                                               15

Beale, Gwendoline Edith                                   15

Beale, Pauline Anne                                         327

Beale, Richard Eric                                           305

Beattie, Helen Suzanne                                     326

Bevan, Francis                                                      +

Bevan, George                                                      +

Bevan, Thomas                                                     +

Birt, Jane                                                             33

Bisco, Martha                                                    111

Blake, Leslie Albert Thomas                             252

Blanchard, Arnold Guspert                              265

Blazdell, Charles                                               218

Blazdell, Florence                                             219

Blazdell, Kathleen Elizabeth                            218

Blazdell, Kathleen Mary                                   284

Blazdell, Martyn                                               284

Boodle, Jack Alfred                                          220

Boodle, James                                                   245

Boodle, Lucy Mabel                                         220

Boodle, Olive Mary                                          245

Boulton, John                                                    127

Bradshaw, Ada Mary                                           9

Bradshaw, Alfred Peter Capon                            9

Brew, Henry                                                       91

Brew, Mary Ann                                                 91

Bridge, Frank                                                      11

Bridge, Norman William                                   237

Bridge, Lucy                                                     237

Briggs, David Wainwright                                294

Brookes, Alberta Hedger                                    38

Brookes, Charles James                                      38

Brookes, Edgar Charles Evan                             37

Brookes, Frank James                                         38

Brown, Nora E M                                             272

Bufton, Desmond                                             297

Buller, Walter Leopold                                       60

Bunday, Florence Grace                                   274

Bus (Butt), Ione (Joan)                                     203

Bus (Butt), Thomas                                           203

Butt, Ann                                                          128

Butt, Ann                                                          152

Butt, Ann                                                          157

Butt, Elizabeth                                                  152

Butt, Hannah                                                    160

Butt, Henry                                                       152

Butt, Henry                                                       153

Butt, John                                                         159

Butt, Rich                                                         133

Butt, Richard                                                    129

Butt, Samuel                                                     157

Butt, Sarah                                                        154

Butt, Sarah                                                        154

Butt, Thomas                                                    159

Butt, William                                                    160

Butt, William                                                    158


Cam, Henry                                                         39

Caudle, James                                                   190

Chamberlayne, Eleanour Louisa                         96

Churchill, Louisa Ann                                       101

Churchill, William                                             101

Clarke, John                                                      161

Clifford, Ann                                                    146

Clifford, Eliza                                                   147

Clifford, John                                                   147

Cobley, Donald                                                 277

Cole, Frederick H (Tim)                                    225

Cole, Marjorie I                                                 225

Cook, Arthur Joseph                                           93

Cook, Christopher Anthony                             236

Cook, Edwin                                                     125

Cook, Emma                                                       94

Cook, Henry Arthur                                            90

Cook, Kathleen Emma (Kitty)                            95

Cook, Mary Elizabeth                                         93

Cook, Monica May                                           312

Cook, Robert                                                      89

Cook, Vera Eliza                                                 90

Cook, William                                                     94

Cooke, Vera Dorothy Margery                         268

Corcoran                                                           332

Crook, Eady                                                      176

Crook, Edmund                                                176

Crook, Martha                                                   176

Crook, Mary                                                      176

Crook, William                                                  176

Coulter, Mabel                                                    81

Cox, Ann                                                          144

Cox, Hannah                                                     169

Cox, Joseph                                                       144

Cox, Joseph                                                       171

Cox, Sarah                                                        169

Cox, Sarah                                                        170

Cox, William                                                     170

Crisp, Ellen Maria                                             143

Cuss, Ellen Emma                                               88


Dale, Evelyn Beatrice (Lyn)                               17

Dale, Percival Francis                                         17

Darke, Susannah                                               217

Darke, William James                                       217

Davis, Gertrude Mary                                       306

Davis, Hannah                                                    71

Davis, Thomas                                                  306

Dinnie, Caroline Elizabeth                                304

Dipper, Florence Mary                                      121

Donaldson, Jennifer Clare                                288

Dunkley King, Kathleen M                                68

Dunstan, Archibald                                             59

Dunstan, Emma                                                              59

Dyer, Alice                                                        148

Dyer, Henry                                                      113

Dyer, Julianna                                                   149

Dyer, William                                                    149


Eagles, George                                                      +

Edwards, Ann                                                               126

Edwards, William                                             126

Evans-Prosser, Kendall Frederick                         8


Fowler, Elizabeth                                              107

Fraser, Karl Alan                                               238

Fraser, Minnie                                                     18

Fraser, Robert 'Ron'                                          241

Freeman, Ellen                                                    80

Freeman, Fanny                                                  77

Freeman, George Ernest                                    323

Freeman, Henry                                                  74

Freeman, May                                                     76

Freeman, Sebastion Ward                                 216


Gardiner, Dinah                                                            136

Gardiner, Job                                                    136

Gilbert, Irene                                                     255

Goodwin, John                                                   40

Goodwin, Matthew                                            40

Goodwin, Sarah                                                  40

Goodwin, ?                                                         40

Goulter, Mabel Evelyn                                      242

Green, Ellen                                                      116

Green, Gertrude Mary                                      114

Green, Henry                                                    112

Green, John                                                       115

Green, Laura                                                     116

Grining, Ann                                                       30

Grining, Thomas                                                 30

Groves, James                                                       +

Gurton, Alice Lucy                                             92

Gurton, Frances                                                  92

Gurton, Lewis John                                            92

Gurton, Lewis Edward                                       92


Hagan, Carl                                                       321

Hall, Alfred                                                         54

Hall, Fred                                                              +

Handley, Paul Andrew                                     299

Harber, John                                                      161

Hart, Olive (nee Stubbs)                                   198

Hawker, William                                                 45

Healing, ?                                                            69

Hemmings, Marjorie D                                     278

Herbert, Charles Smith                                     275

Herbert, Elizabeth                                               71

Herbert, Robert                                                   71

Hipwell, Charles C                                            248

Hipwood, John William                                   317

Holder, Elizabeth                                                44

Holmes, Edward William                                 259

Hooper, Archibald Frank                                  254

Hooper, Edith Alice                                          254

Hopkins, Robert                                                200

Hughes, Ann                                                     197

Hughes, Anthony Reginald                              180

Hughes, David                                                  197

Hughes, Doris Rosemary                                  180

Hughes, Esther                                                  191

Hughes, George                                                    +

Hughes, Henry                                                  197

Hughes, John                                                    197

Hughes, Linda Ellen                                         240

Hughes, Louisa Mary                                        181

Hughes, Sam David                                          240

Hughes, Sidney Joseph                                     181

Hyett, Alfred Alec                                            163

Hyett, Amelia                                                     63

Hyett, Lily Elizabeth                                        163


Ingram, Jan                                                       319


James, Alfred                                                    124

James, Ann                                                        124

James, Dorothy                                                 118   

James, Fanny                                                       98

James, Fanny                                                     155

James, Frances E                                               118

James, George                                                     98

James, Helen                                                     124

James, Helen Ann                                             124

James, Laura Gertrude                                      118

James, Laura J                                                     86

James, Mary Ann                                              156

James, Mary Anne                                              98

James, Ralph                                                     118

James, Ronald H                                               118

James, Sidney P                                                118

James, William                                                  124

James, William                                                 156

James, William Morris                                       155

Johnson, Alice                                                   251

Johnson, Walter                                                251

Jones, Gwen(doline)                                         325

Jordan, Edith Beatrice                                      291

Jordan, George Walter Henry                           233

Jordan, Peter                                                     232


Keel-Stocker, Maurice John                             330

Kerry, Ann                                                        184

Kerry, Henry                                                     184

Kerry, Triphany                                                 184

Kiddle, Joan Margery                                       268

King, Barbara Kathleen                                    318

King, Denis                                                       318

Knickenburg, Marjory E                                   281


Lawrence, Ann                                                     3

Lawrence, Elizabeth                                             2

Lawrence, Elizabeth                                             3

Lawrence, Ivy F                                                  21

Lawrence, Margaret A                                        55

Lawrence, William                                                2

Lawrence, William                                                +

Lawrence, William Joseph                                  55

Limbrick, Dennis                                               324

Lively, Frank                                                       62

Lively, Lottie                                                      62

Lockyer, Graham                                              307

Longney, Edith Ann                                         108

Longney, William M Herbert                            108

Loveridge, George                                            139

Loveridge, John Richard                                  141

Loveridge, Mary Ann                                       141

Loveridge, William                                           141

Lovsey, Mary                                                    202

Luty, Ralph                                                       234


Maidment, Edward George                                31

Maidment, Sheila                                                31

Man, John                                                             4

Mann, Ann                                                            5

Mann, Martha                                                       5

Mann, William                                                      5

Mann, William                                                    72

Marks, Emily Louisa                                           28

Marks, Jane                                                         35

Marks, Caroline Corbetta                                  210

Marks, Margaret Hill                                         209

Marks, Robert                                                     35

Marsden, Emmanuel                                           33

Marston, Ann                                                      34

Marston, Bernard                                                16

Marston, Henry                                                   27

Marston, Hannah                                              168

Marston, Joane                                                  166

Marston, John                                                   168

Marston, Mary Ann                                            27

Marston, Mary Elizabeth Anne                           16

Marston, Robert                                                269

Marston, Robt                                                   269

Marston, Thomas                                              177

Marston, Thomas Greening                               289

Marston, William                                                34

Martin, John                                                      188

Mason, Cecil                                                     193

Massey, Ellen                                                      82

Massey, Wilfred Henry                                       82

Matthews, Albert E                                            70

Matthews, Elizabeth                                           70

Matthews, Walter                                               70

Meacham, Ernest Howard                                  26

Mills, Jean Margaret                                         254

Mitchell, Joan Ceinwen                                    287

Morris, Richard                                                 192

Mullens, Fanny                                                 214

Mullens, Frances Edith                                     213

Mullens, F G (Frederick George)                        24

Mullens, M E (Margaret Emily)                          24

Mullens, Roy                                                       25


Newland, Ed (Perry)                                         300

Newton, Archibald                                           308

Noxon, Ann                                                      140


Oakley, Alfred William                                    221

Oakley, Clara                                                    121

Oakley, Dorothy Mary Norton                         301

Oakley, Edith                                                    221

Oakley, William                                                121

Oakley, William James (Jim)                             122

O'Regan, Patrick John                                      322

O'Regan, Therese                                             322

Osborne, Charlie                                               260

Osborne, Clive Albert                                       329

Overton, Doris Grace                                        285


Page, Hannah Amelia                                         63

Papps, Edith Irene                                            270

Papps, Wilfred Stanley                                     270

Pearse, Annette Frances                                    261

Pearse, Norman Sydney                                    261

Perry, Charles                                                    226

Perry, Leslie Bartlett                                           14

Perry, Mabel Florence                                       216

Peters, Ralph                                                     120

Phelps, Clinton Daniel                                        19

Phelps, Edna                                                       19

Phelps, Michael                                                 279

Phelps, Rachel                                                   279

Phillips, Alfred William                                    231

Phillips, Olive                                                    231

Phipps, Joseph                                                   179

Phipps, Sarah                                                    178

Piff, Ethel Maggie                                            173

Piff, Sarah Ann                                                 175

Piff, Thomas                                                     175

Piff, William Thomas                                        173

Pinchin, Ann                                                       41

Pinchin, John                                                       41

Pitt, Harriet Annetta                                         239

Pitt, William Henry                                           239

Poole, Marie                                                      183

Pope, Arthur John                                             174

Pope, Emma Jane                                              174

Pope, John Raymond                                        151

Pope, Mary Esther                                            151

Pope, Thomas Harry                                         151

Poulton, Margaret Winifred                              280

Preston, Duncan Huntley                                    52

Preston, Mary Ellen                                            52

Price, Bessie                                                      263

Price, Caroline                                                       6

Price, Geoffrey Henry                                       309

Prosser, Carol Ann                                            162

Prosser, Ernest                                                  164

Prosser, Kathleen                                              164

Pullin, Arthur Fitzroy                                        273

Pullin, George S                                                196

Pullin, Graham Herbert George                        282

Pullin, Millicent M                                            196


Rawson, George                                               298

Ridler, Oliver                                                        +

Roberts, Alfred Cecil                                        217

Roberts, Daisy Marguerite                                249

Roberts, Esther                                                 106

Roberts, Florence Mary                                    217

Roberts, George                                                106

Roberts, Michael Gordon                                 249

Roberts, Samuel                                                106

Roberts, Sarah Ann                                           105

Roberts, Stanley Gordon                                  249

Rodman, Ernest Edward                                  243

Rodman, Gladys Evelyn                                   243

Rodman, Tony Ernest Stanley                          267

Rowlands, John Clive                                       310

Rowlands, Norah Elsie                                     310

Russell, Emma                                                  199


Savery, Keith                                                    283

Savery, Terry                                                     314

Simmonds, Percy                                                  +

Simmons, Alfred Thomas                                   50

Simmons, Ann                                                    50

Simmons, Charlotte                                            32

Simmons, Elizabeth                                            32

Simmons, Harriet                                              290

Simmons, Percy Marston                                    50+

Simmons, William                                               32

Simmons, William                                               32

Simmons, William                                             290

Slatter, Charlie                                                  223

Slatter, Elizabeth Ellen                                     222

Slatter, Ethal F                                                  223

Slatter, Harry                                                        +

Slatter, H J                                                          53

Slatter, William Charles                                    222

Smallwood, Bob                                               266

Smith, Ambrose                                                331

Smith, Charles                                                   172

Smith, Edwin Robert                                        109

Smith, Elizabeth Jane                                        109

Smith, Francis Godwin                                     256

Smith, F R                                                         258

Smith, Harry                                                     228

Smith, Helen                                                     333

Smith, Mary                                                      172

Smith, Rose                                                       228

Smith, Sarah                                                        23

Smith, Sarah                                                      195

Smith, Susanah                                                 256

Sobey, Ada Ethel                                                22

Somerton, Bruce Edward                                  315

Sparrow, George F C                                          46

Sparrow, Nell M                                                 46

Spiers, Marion Bernice                                     320

Stephens, Albert Reginald                                250

Stephens, Barbara                                             257

Stephens, Clarice Kate                                      250

Stephens, Martha                                              145

Stephens, Reginald                                           246

Stephens, William                                             145

Stimpson, Bertha                                                  7

Stonehewer, John Reginald                              295

Stubbs, Albert Henry                                        198

Stubbs, Edith                                                    198

Stubbs, Eliza (also Mason)                                193   

Stubbs, Francis Herbert                                    117

Stubbs, Harold                                                      +

Stubbs Ina G                                                     198

Stubbs, Norah Ellen                                          117

Stubbs, Robert James                                        198


Teakle, Walter Harry                                           83

Tinsey, George T                                               276

Tombs, C W                                                        87

Topham, Alan Charles                                      313

Townend, Kevin                                                316

Trigg, Elizabeth                                                   67

Trigg, George                                                      67

Tubb, Francis Trevor                                           12

Turbill, Sarah Jane                                             328


Walker, Arthur David (Andy)                             303

Walker, Charles Seddon Norton                         47

Walker, George Norton                                      47

Walker, Meta Baird                                            47

Ward, John George Gilbert                               296

Ward, Patricia Lillian                                       296

Wareing, Nelly Caroline                                   216

Wareing, Reginald William                               216

Watson, Arthur Frank                                       215

Watson, Frances Mary                                      215

Weaver, Ann                                                       64

Weaver, Mary                                                     64

Weaver, James                                                    64

Weaver, James William                                       64

Welch, Gladys Elizabeth                                    13

Welch, Richard                                                 185

Welch, William                                                 185

Welch, William Thomas                                      13

Wheeler, Roy                                                    292

White, Clara                                                      206

White, Mary                                                      206

White, Ralph                                                     206

White, William Henry                                       206

Wilkes, Elsie                                                       56

Wilkes, John James                                             58

Wilkes, Martha                                                    58

Wilkins, Charles Francis                                   302

Williams, Mary                                                    48

Williams, Mary                                                    49

Williams, Robert                                                 48

Williams, Thomas                                               49

Williams, William                                                48

Woodward, Elizabeth                                         36

Woodward, Richard                                           36

W?, Joseph                                                          66

Woodward, Thomas                                           36

Woodward, William                                           36

Wright, Anthony                                               204

Wright, Louisa                                                  204

?, Hannah                                                          142




+ - War Memorial

This stone was erected by the Parishioners of Norton to the glorious memory of the men of the Parish who gave their lives for their country in the Great War 1914-1918.  They died that we might live.  Grant them O Lord eternal rest.

     Ronald Arbuthnot                          Howard Archer                       Sydney Archer

     Francis Bevan                                George Bevan                         Thomas Bevan

     George Eagles                                James Groves                          Fred Hall        

     George Hughes                              William Lawrence                   Oliver Ridler

     Percy Simmonds                            Harry Slatter                           Harold Stubbs

2 -  In memory of Elizth ye wife of William Lawrence yeoman of the Parish of Charlton Kings late of ye Leigh who departed this life Nov the 28th 1780 aged 29 years.  Farewell dear husband I am past, How you wish my life did last, Pray love my children for my sake, And on them all compassion take.  Also in memory of William their son who died in his infancy.

3 -  In memory of Elizabeth the wife of John Lawrence yeoman she departed this life April ye 14 1742 aged 53 years.  Altho my body lys in dust My Lord in Christ did ever trust Weep not for me lest you offend But seek your lives for to amend Christ was to me an ease from pain The entrance unto life again.  Ann the daughter of John and Elizabeth Lawrence she died the 26th day of January 1742 Aged 19 years.  My glass was ended in a moments time Death save ye flower nipped in its prime My marriage bed I chus’d ye dust And Christ my bride in home I trust.

4 -  In memory of John Man of this parish yeoman who died April the 5th 1712 aged 66 years.  Repent amend so live to day that thou may live eternally.

5 -  To the memory of William Mann of this parish who departed this life Feb 16 1764 aged 73.  Also of Ann his daughter aged 2 years & 6 months.  Dear wife and children you agree To serve the Lord and follow me.  And also of Martha relict of William Mann who died 9 Sep 1777 aged 80 years.

6 -  Caroline, dearly loved wife of the late Rev W G Price and beloved aunt of Canon Evans-Prosser 28 June 1964.

7 -  Bertha, dearest loved wife of Ernest Stimpson and devoted aunt of Canon Evans-Prosser June 24 1958.

8 -  To the loved memory of Kendall Frederick Evans-Prosser MA BD 1901-1991 priest and scholar vicar of Norton 1934-1981 vicar of the Leigh 1947-1981 RIP.

9 -  In loving memory of Alfred Peter Capon Bradshaw died 25th Nov 1955 aged 58 years RIP, and his wife Ada Mary died 11 Feb 1981 aged 81 years.

10 -  In loving memory of Ernest Charles Arnold died 3rd May 1966 and his wife Elsie died 18th May 1981.

11 -  In loving memory of Frank Bridge 1896-1968.

12 -  In loving memory of a dear husband and father Francis Trevor Tubb died 14th August 1976 aged 66 years.

13 -  Gladys Elizabeth Welch 1905-1977.   William Thomas Welch 1905-1987

14 -  Treasured memories of Leslie Bartlett Perry 1933-1983.

15 -  In loving memory of Gwendoline Edith Beale 1902-1985 and her husband Eric Victor Beale 1893-1989.

16 -  In loving memory of Bernard Marston 1928-1987.

17 -  {Loving memories of dear wife and mother Evelyn Beatrice (Lyn) Dale at rest 16th February 1988 aged 68 years.}  Stone replaced with: In loving memory of Evelyn Beatrice Dale 1920-1988 and Percival Francis Dale 1919-1997.  Dear parents and grandparents.

18 -  In loving memory of Minnie Fraser who died 7th April 1989 aged 86 years.

19 -  Edna Phelps 1892-1990 and her husband Clinton Daniel 1897-1992.

20 -  Jean E Agascar 1923-1990.

21 -  In loving memory of Ivy F Lawrence 1920-1991.

22 -  In loving memory of Ada Ethel Sobey born 1900 died 1994.

23 -  Sacred to the memory of Sarah Smith wife of Thomas Smith of this parish yeoman who departed this life Aug 5 1799 in the 35th year of her life.

24 -  In loving memory of F G Mullens died 16th Oct 1968 aged 72.  In loving memory of M E Mullens died 27th Oct 1972 aged 76.

25 -  In memory of Roy Mullens died 10th Aug 1992 aged 70 years.

26 -  In memory of Ernest Howard Meecham 1916-1992.

27 -  In fond memory of Mary Ann wife of Henry Marston who departed this life Dec 25th 1862 aged 50 years interred in Redmarley churchyard.  Also the above named Henry Marston died April 23rd 1874 aged 68 years and is buried underneath this stone.

28 -  In loving memory of Emily Louisa only daughter of the late Rev Robert Marks died December 22nd 1927 aged 67 years RIP.

29 -  ?

30 -  In memory of Thomas Grining of this Parish who departed this life June the 12th 1810 aged 74 years.  A loving husband and a faithful friend, A peaceful neighbour always to his end, He friendly was beloved of rich and poor, Whose souls at rest no doubt for evermore.  Also Ann the wife of Thomas Grining who departed this life March the 11th 1812 aged 73 years.  A tender mother and a loving wife, A quiet neighbour ever free from strife, Content and patience did her soul possess, And now we hope she’s gone to happiness.

31 -  Edward George Maidment 16.10.1918 - 10.6.1995. A much  loved husband, father and grandfather.


Edward George Maidment 16 Oct 1918 – 10 Jun 1995.  Sheila Maidment ‘Mullens’ 11 Jul 1923 – 10 Dec 2021.  Together Forever.

32 -  Sacred to the memory of William Simmons who died July 7th 1829 aged 62 years.  Also of Elizabeth wife of the above who died Novr 22nd 1845 aged 80 years.  Also of William and Charlotte children of the above.

33 -  Sacred to the memory of Emanuel Marsden son of William and Ann Marsden of this parish who died November 20th 1837(?) aged 16 years.  Also of Jane Birt daughter of the above who died Dec 3rd 1851 aged 25 years.  We in our bloom were both cut down but God the just our Souls will crown with everlasting joy and peace therefore for us let sorrow cease.

34 -  In memory of Ann the beloved wife of William Marston of this parish died April 14 1867 aged 71 years.  Also William Marston of this parish died October 31st 1873 aged 78 years.  His end was peace.  Farewell dear husband I am past, I loved you my life did last, Pity my children for my sake, And on them all compassion take.

35 -  In loving memory of Robert Marks priest vicar of this Parish 20 years born Feb 23rd 1835 died Aug 6th 1907.  Also Jane dearly beloved wife of above born July 4 1829 died Jan 24 1908.

36 -  Elizabeth wife of William Woodward who died Sept 6th 1826 aged 66.  Also of two of the sons who died in their infancy.  William Woodward died Sept 7 1833 aged 74, Richard Woodward died Oct 6th 1850 aged 59, Thomas Woodward died March 22nd 1837 aged 52.

37 -  Edgar Charles Evan the beloved son of A & A Brookes who died Sepr 1st 1920 Aged 17 years.  He who giveth taketh away.

38 -  Charles James Brookes died 16th February 1907.  Also his son Frank James Brookes died 23rd October 1940.  Also Alberta Hedger Brookes wife of above Charles James Brookes died 26th December 1955.  God is love.

39 -  In memory of Henry Cam who departed this life December 8, 1817, aged 58 years.

40 -  In memory of Matthew Goodwin who departed this life July 4th 1853 aged 75 years.  Also of Sarah Goodwin wife of the above who departed this life October 26th 1872 aged 95 years. And of John Goodwin son of the above who departed this life June 13th 1877 aged 62 years and was interred at Walton Church Walton-on-the-hill Liverpool.  Farewell my dear wife and children too my life is past, you loved me dearly to the last, cry ye not for me but do prepare, let heaven be your greatest care. Also the beloved wife of John Goodwin Mar 17th 1887.

41 -  In memory of John Pinchin who died July 9 1853 aged 48 years.  Also of Ann Pinchin wife of the above who died March 18 1877 aged 67 years.  They rest from their labours.

42 -  In memory of William the son of Robert and Hannah Barnard of this parish who died January 29th 1809 aged 18 years.  Death with … when … my parents … twas God … time.

43 -  In memory of Robert Barnard of this parish who died Octr 9th 1823 aged 65 years.  In action prudent and in word sincere In friendship faithful and in honour dear Thro lifes vain scenes the same in every part A steady judgement and an honest heart.  Also of Hannah his wife who died May 11th 1817 aged 63 years.  Meek was her temper pious was her life A tender mother and a faithful wife Alas ! shes gone dear object of my love To increase the number of the Saints above.

44 -  In memory of Elizth 2nd wife of William Holder Clerk of this parish who died 18 June 1763 Aged 69 years.

45 -  In memory of Willm the son of Willm Hawker of this parish who died May 3rd 1767 Aged 42.  Remember man …

46 -  In loving memory of George F C Sparrow 1894-1973.  Nell M Sparrow 1893-1982.

47 -  George Norton Walker of Norton Court 24th December 1956.  Meta Baird Norton Walker 11th December 1971.  Also his son Charles Seddon Norton Walker 25th July 2000.

48 -  To the memory of William Williams, builder Gloucester, who died Oct 7th 1895 aged 74 years.  Also of Mary his wife who died April 10th 1896 aged 84 years.  Also of Robert their only child who died April 15th 1859 aged 9 1/2 years.  The dust has returned to earth and the spirits unto God who gave them.

49 -  In loving memory of Thomas Williams born 1809 died 1846.  His end was peace.  Also of Mary Williams widow of the above who died April 27th 1898 aged 84 years.  Some day some time our eyes shall see the face still kept in memory some day her hand shall clasp our hand just over in the morning land.

50 -  In loving memory of Alfred Thomas Simmons who died Novr 25th 1917 aged 73 years.  Also of Ann wife of the above who Died Novr 4th 1936 aged 96 years.  Peace perfect peace.  And of Percy Marston their son who fell in action Octr 20th 1918 aged 36 years.

51 -  ?

52 -  In loving memory of Duncan Huntley Preston died Novr 23rd 1911 aged 52.  Also of Mary Ellen wife of the above died March 3rd 1931 aged 73.  Peace perfect peace.

53 -  TR/8/30654 Private H J Slatter Hampshire Regiment  22nd November 1918 aged 18.  Thy will be done.

54 -  In loving memory of Alfred Hall died May 5 1922 aged 38 years.  In the midst of life we are in death.

55 -  In loving memory of Margaret A Lawrence died August 15th 1919 aged 68.  Also of her son William Joseph (Pte 4th Worcs Regt) who died of wounds Oct 29th 1918 aged 27 and interred at Treport France.  Rest in peace.

56 -  In loving memory of my dear sister Elsie Wilkes died June 24th 1963.  RIP.

57 -  ?

58 -  In ever loving memory of my dear wife Martha Wilkes died 22nd February 1941 aged ?3 years.  At rest.  John James Wilkes beloved husband of the above died June 7th 1948 aged 81.

59 -  In loving memory of Archibald Dunstan died 23 July 1931 aged 67 also Emma his wife died 9 April 1941 aged 68.

60 -  In ever loving memory of Walter Leopold Buller born July 25th 1863 died at Norton Court November 10th 1918.  Out of the shadows of night the world moves into light.  It is daybreak everywhere “Longfellow”.

61 -  In loving memory of Irene Nancy Barnes died August 9th 1931 aged 22 years.  Until we meet again.  Also of Kenneth brother of the above died Novr 22nd 1937 aged 27 years.  At rest.

62 -  In loving memory of my dear husband Frank Lively died 31st Jan 1959 aged 66 years.  At Rest.  Also of Lottie beloved wife of the above died 25th Nov 1962 aged 75 years.  Reunited.

63 -  In loving memory of our dear mother Amelia Hyett who died August 14th 1942 aged 94 years.  Also Hannah Amelia Page her dear grand-daughter who died November 20th 1938 aged 40 years.

64 -  In affectionate remembrance of James Weaver born April 9th 1812 died February 19th 1878.  And also Ann his widow born May 20th 1811 died November 20th 1898.  For ever with the Lord.  Also Mary their daughter born July 5th 1852 died April 9th 1903.  Even so father for so it seemed good in thy sight. Also James William son of the above died July 2nd 1918 aged 68.

65 -  ?

66 -  In memory of Joseph W? of this parish who departed this life … aged 39 years … 1809. My flesh also shall…

67 -  In loving memory of George Trigg who died April 11th 1903 aged 74 years.  Also Elizabeth wife of the above who died January 29th 1889 aged 53 years.  And their four children who died in infancy.  Rest in peace.

68 -  In loving memory of Kathleen M Dunkley King died 20th May 1960 at Brisbane.

69 -  ? Healing ? 3rd 1888.  Also 1858.  Also daughter … ?

70 -  In memory of Walter Matthews died Nov 18th 1869 aged 62 years.  Also Elizabeth Matthews died July 23rd 1892 aged 84 years.  Also Albert E Matthews died Dec 9th 1871 aged 9 months.

71 -  In memory of Elizabeth Herbert died October 11th 1859 aged 86 years.  Robert Herbert died November 25 1859 aged 80 years.  Hannah Davis died November 20 1836 aged 25 years.

72 -  Sacred to the memory of William Mann who died April 30th 1856 aged 63 years.

73 -  ?

74 -  In affectionate remembrance of Henry Freeman who departed this life September 24th 1897 aged 22 years.  Heavens morning break and earths vain shadows flee in life in death O Lord abide with me.

75 -  ?

76 -  In fond remembrance of little May darling child of Ernest and Jennie Freeman fell asleep June 30th 1909 aged 2 1/2 years.  One of God's flowers.

77 -  In affectionate memory of Fanny dearly loved daughter of Ellen and the late James Freeman who fell asleep May 28th 1916 aged 29 years.  Loved by all.  Until he whose home is ours above unite us there.

78 -  ?

79 -  In loving memory of Annie Bailey who died Aug 17 1951.  Also George Bailey her husband who died in Cochin India Jan 1 1925.  At rest.

80 -  In loving memory of Ellen wife of James Freeman who fell asleep September 12th 1930 in her 81st year.  I will lay me down in peace and take my rest.

81 -  Mabel Goulter.

82 -  In loving memory of Wilfred Henry Massey who died May 17th 1949 aged 69 years.  Peace.  Also his wife Ellen who died Oct 5 1969 aged 90 years.

83 -  My dear husband Walter Harry Teakle died March 11th 1942 aged 54 years.  I heard the voice of Jesus say come unto me and rest.

84 -  ?

85 -  Mother ?

86 -  In loving memory of my dear mother Laura J James.

87 -  In memory of C W Tombs from his friends of Norton and district.  Rest in peace.

88 -  In loving memory of Ellen Emma Cuss who died Dec 23rd 1976 aged 79 years.  At rest.

89 -  To the dear memory of Robert who died May 10th 1955 aged 22 years the beloved elder son of Harry and Vera Cook of Court Farm Norton Gloucester.  In sure and certain hope of the resurrection.

90 -  In loving memory Vera Eliza Cook aged 95 years died 1st August 1991.  And her husband Henry Arthur aged 96 years died 4 Sept 1993.

91 -  Sacred to the memory of Mary Ann Brew who died April 17th 1882 aged 51.  And of Henry Brew husband of the above who died February 24th 1919 aged 84.  Peace perfect peace.

92 -  In loving memory of Frances Gurton the beloved wife of Lewis Gurton who passed away Feb 6th 1924 aged 44 years.  Thy will be done.  Also of her son Lewis John Gurton died Feby 28th 1939 aged 21 years.  Lewis Edward Gurton a dear husband and father deid Dec 21st 1962 aged 87 years.  And Alice Lucy Gurton the beloved wife of L E Gurton died Oct 7th 1950 aged 76.

93 -  In loving memory of Arthur Joseph Cook of Court Farm Norton who passed away July 18th 1943 aged 80 years.  Also Mary Elizabeth wife of the above who passed away Nov 29th 1947 aged 84 years.

94 -  In loving memory of Emma wife of William Cook of Court Farm in this Parish who died August 9th 1893 aged 67 years.  Also of William Cook husband of the above who died March 26th 1906 aged 80 years.

95 -  Kathleen Emma Cook (Kitty) younger daughter of Arthur Joseph and Mary Elizabeth Cook of Court Farm Norton born 15 Sept 1900 died 25 May 1988.  RIP.

96 -  In loving memory of Eleanour Louisa infant daughter of F J & L E Chamberlayne of this Parish who died December 29th 1890 aged 19 days.  Thy will be done.

97 -  Sacred to the memory of Jonathan Arkell of this Parish who died December 10th 1843 aged 74 years.  Also of F? Arkell.

98 -  In memory of George James born Jan 9th 1819 died Aug 7th 1905.  Also Mary Anne his wife born July 9th 1823 died July 11th 1904.  Also Fanny James their daughter born Dec 14th 1843 died Aug 25th 1892.  Erected by his son Reuben of Canada.

99 -  ?

100 -  ?

101 -  Sacred to the memory of Louisa Ann Churchill died August 25th 1915 aged 74 years.  Also of William Churchill husband of the above died May 24th 1921 aged 80 years.  Thy will be done.

102 -  In loving memory of William Archer of Norton Court Farm who died March 19th 1911 aged 64 years.  Watch and pray for ye know not when the time is.  Also of Mary Annie wife of the above who died May 10th 1926 aged 63 years.  Also in proud and loving memory of Howard (Bob) 8th Gloster Regt third son of the above who died on active service July 13th 1916 aged 22 years and is buried in Abbeville cemetery France.

103 -  In loving remembrance of Thomas Bainbridge of Yew Tree Farm Norton who died November 20th 1880 aged 44(?) years.  Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff comfort me.  His end was peace.

104 -  Sacred to the memory of Henrietta Matilda the beloved wife of Edwin Archer of this Parish yeoman born Dec 12th 1850 died July 10th 1907.  Also of the above Edwin Archer died Decr 28th 1914 aged 64 years.  In the midst of life we are in death of whom may we seek for succour but of the O Lord.  We know not what shall be on the morrow.  Also of William Harold their youngest son died at Forbes NSW Sept 5th 1913 aged 27 years.

105 -  O Lord into thy hand we commend our spirits.  In memory of Sarah Ann Roberts who died November 6th 1864 aged 6 years.  Dear father and mother do not weep for I hope in heaven we shall meet prepare yourselves make no delay for sudden fire took my life away.

106 -  The grave shall give up the dead when the archangel comes to get them.  To the memory of Esther Roberts wife of Samuel Roberts of this Parish who died ? 1841 aged ? years.  Also of George son of the above who died July 2nd 18(83) aged ?  Also of two of their children which lie in St Aldates Church yard Gloster.  Also Samuel husband of the above died March 20 1859 aged 80 years.  Great God I know thy sentence just and nature must decay I yield my body to the dust and sleep with fellow clay.

107 -  Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth Fowler daughter of Thomas and Elizth Fowler of this Parish who died ? aged 32.

108 -  In loving memory of Edith Ann Longney who fell asleep March 12th 1942 aged 64 years.  Also William M Herbert husband of the above who died Sept 1st 1926 aged 47 years.  Peace perfect peace.

109 -  In loving memory of my dear husband Edwin Robert Smith who died Feby 22nd 1945 aged 58 years.  Peacefully sleeping until we meet again.  Also Elizabeth Jane wife of the above died Dec 19th 1965 aged 78 years.  In God's keeping.

110 -  ?

111 -  In memory of Martha the wife of Benjamin Bisco who departed this life Feby 15th 1835 aged 83 years.  Affection sore so long I bore physicians help was vain till God alone did hear my moan and ease me of my pain.

112 -  Sacred to the memory of Henry Green of this Parish who died April 3rd 1874 aged 76 years.

113 -  Sacred to the memory of Henry son of Nathan and Elizth Dyer of Norton Court.  He died Decr 27th 1830(?) aged 5 years.

114 -  In loving memory of Gertrude Mary sixth child of John and Mary Ann Green of this Parish who died March 12th 1875 aged 2 years and 2 months.  Suffer little children to come unto me.

115 -  In loving memory of John Green of this Parish who died August 15th 1890 aged 61 years.  I am the resurrection and the life.

116 -  In loving memory of Ellen second daughter of John and Mary Ann Green born March 4th 1864 died Novr 22nd 1912.  Also of Laura Green their elder daughter died 22nd February 1939.

117 - Francis Herbert Stubbs 1863-1945.  Norah Ellen Stubbs 1865-1953.  In memory.

118 - In loving memory of Ralph James late of the Kings Head Norton who fell asleep Decr 16th 1939 aged 71 years.  Also Laura Gertrude wife of the above died April 9th 1956 aged 83. Reunited.  In loving memory of Ronald H James 1902-1985.  Frances E James 1903-1994 and Sidney P James 1910-1994.  Dorothy James 1909-1994.

119 -  ?

120 -  In loving memory of Ralph Peters 1875-1960.  Abide with me.

121 -  In memory of William Oakley died May 21st 1935 aged 79 years.  Also of Clara wife of the above died September 2nd 1928 aged 68 years.  And of Florence Mary Dipper daughter of the above died March 6th 1932 aged 43 years.  RIP.

122 -  In loving memory of William James (Jim) dearly loved son of A W and E Oakley who died April 22nd 1919 aged 8 years. He shall gather the lambs with his arm and carry them in his bosom.  Isaiah 40.11.

123 -  Sacred to the memory of William Harding Barns Esq of Byers Castle in the County of Limerick who departed this life April 6th 1860 aged 65.

124 -  In loving memory of William James of this Parish who died November 5th 1882 aged 71 years.  Also of Helen daughter of the above born May 19th 1837 died May 5th 1838.  Also of Helen Ann daughter of the above born March 2nd 1848 died June 5th 1848.  The memory of the just is blessed.  Also of Ann wife of William James died May 10th 1892 aged 83 years.  Also of Alfred son of the above died July 26th 1890 aged 47 years.

125 -  In affectionate remembrance of Edwin Cook who died March 12th 1877 aged 62 years.

126 -  In memory of William Edwards of Longford yeoman who departed this life Decem 20 1754 aged 61.  Also of Ann his widow afterward wife of Rob Newman late of Wootton yeoman, who died the 25th June 1767 aged 56.

127 -  Here lieth the body of John the son of William and Elizabeth Boulton late of this parish who departed this life Feb the 2nd 1763 aged 2 years and 2 months.  Cruel death to take him home so soon to let his sun go down before was noon his life was much defined with weeping eyes but … in when God denies.

128 -  In memory of Ann relict of Richd Butt of this Parish who departed this life the 7th of Feb 1790 aged 80 years.  Long was my life … a joyful place prepared for me where saints and angels … sword … King.

129 -  In memory of Richard Butt of this Parish yeoman who departed this life the 4th of July 1782 aged 79 y.

130 -  In memory of Elizabeth the wife of Richard Butt of ye parish who departed this life 30 Jan 1728 Aged near 24 years.

131 -  ?

132 -  ?

133 -  In memory of Rich Butt of this parish yeoman who departed this life Sep 11 1780 Aged 44 years.

134 -  ?

135 -  In memory of Margaret wife of Pearson Ballinger of this parish who died November 14 1810 Aged 68 years.  Also of Pearson Ballinger who died June 12 1814 Aged ? Years.

136 -  In memory of Dinah Gardiner who died February 14th 1875 aged 77 years.  My flesh shall slumber in the ground till the last trumpet sound then burst the chains with sweet surprise and in my saviours place rise.  Also Job Gardiner who died Feb 25th 1889 aged 84 years.

139 -  In loving memory of George Loveridge who died 19th May 1922 aged 70 years.  I am the resurrection and the life.  St John XI.25.

140 - In loving memory of Ann wife of William Noxon who died April 1 1913 aged 82 years.

141 -  Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.  In the memory of William Loveridge for many years clerk of this Parish who died Sep 15 1884 aged 78 years.  Also of Mary Ann wife of the above who died Jan 27 1902 aged 95 years.  Also of John Richard Loveridge son of the above who died Dec 14 1840 aged 4 years.

142 -  Hannah ?

143 -  In loving memory of Ellen Maria wife of Harry Crisp and eldest daughter of W & M Stephens of this Parish died at Black Bull, Staffordshire Jan 21st 1901 aged 29 years.  In life in death O Lord abide with me.

144 -  In memory of Joseph Cox who died ? ? 1877 aged 74 years.  Also of Ann his wife who died June 12th 1873 aged 68 years.

145 -  In loving memory of our dear father William Stephens who died May 3rd 1924 aged 79 years.  Also our dear mother Martha Stephens who died October 2nd 1928 aged 80 years.  A well earned rest, gone but not forgotten.

146 -  In memory of Ann the wife of William Clifford of this Parish who departed this life August 27th 1818 aged 27.

147 -  Sacred to the memory of John Clifford who died June 25th 1850 aged 27 years.  Also of Eliza Clifford who died January 4th 1848 aged 23 years.  Just in our bloom we was cut down but God the just will always crown with everlasting joy and peace therefore we let sorrow cease.

148 -  To the dear memory of Alice daughter of William Dyer of Norton Court widow of John Smyth of Tretire Hereford 1852-1942 Christs faithfull servant.

149 -  In loving memory of William Dyer of Norton Court who died June 14th 1899 aged 72 years.  Also of Julianna wife of the above who died Feby 1st 1896 aged 65 years.  Lord thou hast been our refuge from one generation to another.

150 -  ?

151 -  In memory of John Raymond Pope who died December 2nd 1910 aged 85 years.  ...also Mary Esther...  Dear little Thomas Harry their youngest child died January 22nd 1872 in the 5th year of his life.

152 -  Sacred to the memory of Henry Butt late of Allstone in the Parish of Cheltenham who departed this life Feby 6th 1834 aged 59 years.  Also of Ann wife of the above who departed this life Feby 26th 1829 aged 47 years.  Also of Elizabeth their daughter who died July 20th 1829 in the 19th year of her life.

153 -  In memory of Henry Butt of this parish who departed this life …

154 -  In memory of Sarah wife of Willm Butt of this Parish yeoman (daughter of John Gregory of Allstone) who departed this life ye 10th day of March 1781 aged 31 years.  Dearly … did pierce my heart when … in my prime … death to grieve … forbear … twas Gods appointed time.  Also Sarah their daughter who died January 25th 1816 aged 42 years.

155 -  In loving memory of a devoted husband and father William Morris James died July 19th 1927 aged 61 years.  Say not goodnight but in some brighter clime bid us good morning.  Also his wife Fanny died June 28th 1959 aged 90 years.

156 -  In loving memory of Mary Ann the beloved wife of William James of Wainlode Hill who ? ? ? July 13th 1888 aged 63 years.  Also the above William James died Novr 12th 1908 aged 75 years.

157 -  Sacred to the memory of Ann the wife of William Butt of this parish who died January 24th 1807 aged ?  … woman partner of my life … faithful …   ? (Harriet) and Samuel their children … who died …

158 -  William Butt ?

159 -  Sacred to the memory of Thomas Butt who departed this life in February 1835 in the 47th year of his age.  Also John Butt of this parish brother of the above who died Nov 7 1815 Aged 52 years.

160 -  Sacred to the memory of William Butt late of this parish who died ? Aged ?  Also of Hannah widow of the above named William Butt who died April 8th 1859 Aged 78 years.

161 -  To the memory of John Clarke who died Aug ? 1822 Aged 67 years.  Also of John the son of John and Ann Harber who died Augst 3rd 1802 Aged 14(?) years.

162 -  Treasured memories of Carol Ann beloved daughter of Ernest and Kathleen Prosser died March 3rd 1956 aged 8 years. Memories of Carol Ann from Mrs Mitchell.

163 -  In loving memory of Lily Elizabeth Hyett died Dec 31st 1940 aged 59.  Also her husband Alfred Alec Hyett died Oct 1st 1947 aged 62.

164 -  To the memory of Kathleen Prosser 1909-1979 and her husband Ernest 1903-1986.

165 -  ?

166 -  Here lyeth the body of Joane the wife of Robert Marston junr who departed this life ye 25th of May 1701 aged 18 years.  Her days were short she lived us among Her faith in Christ was ever firm & strong Therefore her Soul in Heaven is mounted high To live with Angels for eternity.

167 -  ?

168 -  In memory of John Marston of this parish who died Oct 16 1785 aged 54 years.  Also of Hannah wife of the above John Marston who died May 26th 1817 aged 80 years.

169 -  Sacred to the memory of Hannah the wife of Henry Cox of Arle in the Parish of Cheltenham who departed this life May 15th 1835 Aged 61 years.  Also of Sarah their Daughter who died Decr 5th 1835 Aged 27 years.  Monuments and tombs are trifles vainly spent A good life ….

170 -  In memory of William Cox who died May 18th 1785 aged 85 years.  Also Sarah the wife of the above died June 2nd 1746 aged 38.  Affliction for a long time borne, Thy ? was in vain, till God and please my soul to ease, and free me from all pain.

171 -  Sacred to the memory of Joseph Cox yeoman of this Parish who departed this life Jan 9th 1835 aged 91 years.  He was a loving husband and tender father a devout Christian and an honest friend.

172 -  Sacred to the memory of Charles Smith late of this Parish who died April 14th 1860 aged 80 years.  Also of Mary wife of the above who died July 13th 1871 aged 83 years.

173 -  In loving memory of William Thomas Piff died February 11th 1959 aged 63 years.  Also his wife Ethel Maggie Piff died September 5th 1976 aged 77 years.  Rest in peace.

174 -  In sacred memory of a devoted wife and mother Emma Jane Pope died 20th April 1946 aged 55 years.  Also our dear father Arthur John Pope died 18th May 1955 aged 69 years.  Forever in our hearts.

175 -  In loving memory of our dear parents Sarah Ann Piff who passed away 9th Nov 1939 aged 74.  Thomas Piff died 14th April 1903 aged 47.  At rest.

176 -  Here lyes the body of William Crook of ye parish yeoman who died 30 Oct 1742 aged 42 years.  Also the bodys of four children buried here Martha, Mary, Eady and Edmund.  Render behold and learn from henceforth …

177 -  Sacred to the memory of Charlotte wife of William Bartlett daughter of Thomas & Martha Marston of this parish who died March 18th 1827 aged 21 years.  Also of Thomas son of Thomas and Martha Marston and Thomas son of William and Charlotte Bartlett who died in the infancies.  Kind Angels watch this sleeping duo till Jesus comes to raise the just then may I wake in sweet surprise and in his Saviours image rise.

178 -  In memory of Sarah Phipps the wife of Joseph Phipps who departed this life May 30th in the year 1770 Aged 63.  In life sincerely Good If virtue did with virtuous woman die Reader thou then must say here it doth lie.

179 -  Here lieth the body of Joseph Phipps yeoman late of this parish who departed this life the 1st day …

180 -  In loving memory of Anthony Reginald Hughes born 25th April 1928 died 31st January 1984.  Also his sister Doris Rosemary Hughes born 30th January 1924 died 7th March 1941.

181 -  In loving memory of Sidney Joseph Hughes born 8th April 1894 died 19th November 1955.  Also, his beloved wife, Louisa Mary born 28th April 1897 died 21st December 1994.

182 -  ?

183 -  Sacred to the beloved memory of Marie Poole (second wife) of John Raymond Pope of Elm House in this Parish who died March 6th 1904 aged 46 years.  Nearer to thee.

184 -  Sacred to the memory of Ann the wife of James Kerry of Birtchmorton, Worcestershire, daughter of Joseph and Ann Cox of this Parish who died Sept 30th 1849 aged 65 years.  Also of Henry & Triphany children of the above.

185 -  Here lieth the body of Richard Welch of ye parish yeoman.  He died the 25th day of January 1732 aged 49 years.  Also William the son of Richard aforesaid he died on 15th day of April 1738 aged 25 years. “Repent my friend and make much of your time, God took my life you see just in my prime, ‘Tis not the rich, nor young and strong are free, from death’s impartial hand you see, be not afraid when God requires your breath, no man e’er lives that will not taste of death”.

186 -  Here lyes the body of William Crook of ye parish yeoman who died 30 Oct 1742 aged 42 years.  Also the bodys of four children buried here Martha, Mary, Eady and Edmund.  Render behold and learn from henceforth …

187 -  ?

188 -  John Martin of Allstone in the parish of Cheltenham died the 2nd of Sep 1757 Aged 33.

189 -  June 25th …  Aged 76 years … ??

190 -  In memory of James Caudle of this parish blacksmith who died 15 June1825 aged ?3 years.  Affliction fore long time I bore, all human … was in vain God alone did hear my moan and ease me of my pain.

191 -  In loving memory of Esther Hughes died Jan 18th 1943 in her 86th year.  For so he giveth his beloved sleep.

192 -  In memory of Richard Morris of this Parish who died the 20th day of Aug 1791 aged 54 years.

193 -  In loving memory of Eliza Stubbs widow of David Mason entered into rest March 29th 1930 aged 74 years.  Also her son Cecil 2nd Lieut 11th Royal Scots killed in action April 8th 1917 aged 28 years and lies at St Nicholas British Cemetery, Arras, France.

194 -  Loving memory of Emily E Bailey passed peacefully away June 29th 1943 aged 68 years.  Also of her husband Harry Ernest departed this life June 13th 1944 aged 72 years.  RIP.

195 -  Sacred to the memory of Sarah Smith of the parish of Matson who departed this life Aug 1 1799 in the 53 year of her age.  Here lie the reliques of a loving wife a quiet neighbour ever free from strife a tender mother & a faithful friend a pious Christian in her life and end.

196 -  In loving memory of George S Pullin died 19th May 1947 aged 51.  RIP.  Also of his wife Millicent M Pullin died 8th Feb 1977 aged 82.  RIP.

197 -  In loving memory of John Hughes who entered into rest March 6th 1876 Aged 67 years.  Also of Ann wife of the above who died August 16th 1900 Aged 62 years.  Also of David son of the above who died Novr 9th 1880 Aged 23 years.  And of Henry their son who died Nov 6th 1895 Aged 39 years.  Thy flesh shall rest in hope.  Psalm 16 Ver 9.

198 -  Beloved memory of a devoted wife and mother Edith Stubbs died March 18th 19?? aged 74 years.  Albert Henry Stubbs aged 81 years.  Robert James Stubbs 1908-1990.  Ina G Stubbs 1910-2000.  In loving memory of Olive Hart nee Stubbs a devoted loving wife mother and grandmother 22nd Dec 1910 - 16th Feb 1986.  At rest.

199 -  In loving memory of Emma Russell who died May 2nd 1887 aged 32 years.  Nothing in my hand I bring, simply to Thy cross I cling.

200 -  Robert Hopkins (no marked headstone)

201 -  ?

202 -  In memory of Mary the wife of John Lovsey late of Dowdeswell in this County who departed this life March 5th 1812 aged 69 years.

203 -  In memory of Thomas Bus of ye parish he died August the 14 1697 Aged ? years.  In memory of Ione his wife she died May the 12 1696 Aged 44 years.  When on this stone you cast your eyes, think on your … remember why you follow …

[Parish Burial Register confirms that the surname was actually Butt and the wife’s name Joan].

204 -  Sacred to the memory of Anthony Wright yeoman(?) of this parish who departed this life September 16th 1828 aged 37 years.  Also of Louisa wife of the above who departed this life July 26th 1828 aged 19(?) years.

205 -  ?

206 -  In loving memory of William Henry White late of Kings Street, Gloucester, who died Augst 9th 1898 aged 74 years.  Also of Mary his wife who died Octr 8th 1860 aged ? years.  In loving memory of Ralph son of W H & M White who died Sepr 21st 1911 aged 55 years.  Also Clara their daughter who died Feby 1st 1917 aged 58 years.

207 -  ?

208 -  John Allen late of this Parish and Ann his wife.  He died Novr 3rd 1792 aged 82 years.  She died Aug 11th 1796 aged 80 years.  ?  Also a footstone; JA 1792  AA 1796.

209 -  In loving memory of Margaret Hill Marks who died May 22nd 1891 aged 90 years.  Beholding the glory.

210 -  In loving memory of Caroline Corbetta Marks who died March 24th 1889 aged 45 years. ?

211 -  ?

212 -  ?

213 -  Frances Edith Mullens.  9 December 1894 – October 1969. (no headstone).

214 -  Fanny Mullens.  Jan 1865 – Jan 1963.  (no headstone).

215 -  In memory of my beloved husband Arthur Frank Watson died 3rd Feb 1965 aged 69 years.  Until we meet.  Also his beloved wife Frances Mary Watson died 6th June 1974 aged 79 years.  Reunited.

216 -  George Moulder Bartlett 1872-1964, Nelly Caroline Wareing 1901-1972

       Reginald William Wareing 1904-1987, Mabel Florence Perry 1906-1970

       Sebastion Ward Freeman 1973 aged 7 1/2 months, beloved.

217 -  In loving memory of my dear husband Alfred Cecil Roberts BEM called to rest 6 March 1964 aged 51 years, peace. Also of his dear wife Florence Mary who died 7 August 1968 aged 57 years.  Reunited.  Also Susannah 1908-1990 wife of W J Darke.  Also William James Darke 1907-1981.

218 -  In ever grateful memory of a loving wife and mother Kathleen Elizabeth Blazdell who died 28th February 1962 aged 69 years.  Unto God's gracious mercy and protection we commit you, the Lord bless you and keep you and give you peace.  Also a dear husband and father Charles who died 5th April 1978 aged 93 years.  Reunited.

219 -  In loving memory of Florence Blazdell who died 8th November 1960 aged 89 years.  Father in thy gracious keeping leave me now thy servant sleeping.

220 -  In loving memory of Jack Alfred Boodle 1898 - 1958 and his beloved wife Lucy Mabel 1901 - 1981.

221 -  In loving memory of Edith wife of A W Oakley who died April 23rd 1959 aged 78 years.  God bless you.  Also Alfred William Oakley died July 13th 1967 aged 82 years.  A kindly Christian.

222 -  In loving memory of Elizabeth Ellen Slatter died 21st June 1966.  Also William Charles died 11th August 1959.  RIP.

223  –  In Loving Memory of Ethal F Slatter 1914 – 1960  Charlie Slatter 1915 - 1974  ?

224 -  ?

225 -  Treasured memories of my dear parents Frederick H Cole (Tim) 5th May 1963 aged 58 years.  Marjorie I Cole 17th August 1964 aged 61 years.

226 -  Charles Perry died ?-12-64,  Courageous to the end.

228 -  In loving memory of my husband Harry Smith 1907-1966 and his beloved wife Rose 1906-1996.  Reunited.  [Also a flower holder], From his workmates.

229 -  ?

231 -  Treasured memories of a dear wife and mother Olive Phillips called to rest 8th May 1969 aged 67 years.  RIP.  Also her dear husband Alfred William called to rest 12th Sept 1973 aged 71 years.  Reunited.  (A small stone also present; With love from Ian & Tina).

232 -  In Loving Memory of Peter Jordan 1931-1969.  (Wooden cross with brass plate).

233 -  In loving memory of George Walter Henry Jordan 1884-1970.  (Wooden cross with brass plate).

234 -  In loving memory of a very dear husband Ralph Luty who passed away May 22nd 1971 aged 41 years.  Tired and weary you made no fuss, you tried so hard to stay with us, you troubled no-one, your wants were few, you never deserved what you went through.

236 -  Treasured memories of a dear son and brother Christopher Anthony Cook 4-7-1972 aged 4 years.

237 -  In loving memory of our dear parents Norman William Bridge died 23rd September 1973 aged 62 years.  Lucy Bridge died 14th January 2004 aged 88 years. RIP.

Stone replaced the following :- In loving memory of a dear husband and father Norman William Bridge born June 23rd 1911 died Sept 23rd 1973.  RIP.

238 -  Remembered with love Karl Alan Fraser 25 Sept 1961 - 14 Dec 1974.  Youngest son of Ron & Josephine, brother of Kim & Leigh.

239 -  Loving memory of Harriet Annetta Pitt born 7th December 1886 died 2nd February 1975 and her husband William Henry born 21st March 1886 died 25th January 1982.  Reunited.

240 -  In loving memory of Sam David Hughes died 13th Jan 1976 aged 80.  Also his beloved wife Linda Ellen died 5th Dec 1978 aged 87.  Reunited.

241 -  In loving memory of Robert 'Ron' Fraser 9 Nov 1933 - 11 June 1976.  Husband of Josephine father of Kim, Leigh & Karl.

242 -  In memory of Mabel Evelyn Goulter, 1905 - 1978.

243 -  In loving memory of Ernest Edward Rodman died 23rd Nov 1979 aged 83 years and his dearly beloved wife Gladys Evelyn died 2nd Feb 1982 aged 85 years.  Together.

245 -  In loving memory of Olive Mary Boodle died 30th April 1981 aged 72 respected by everyone.  Also her husband James died 26th August 1990 aged 87.

246 -  In loving memory of a dear husband Reginald Stephens 1912 - 1981.

247 -  ?

248 -  Charles C Hipwell 1884 - 1964 RIP

249 -  To a most wonderful and dearly loved husband and father Stanley Gordon Roberts who passed peacefully on 8th May 1958. Also in proud and loving memory of our precious only child Michael Gordon Roberts (Sub-Lieut RNVR) aged 24 years killed off Greece 4th Jan 1945.  Mentioned in Despataches.  Still untied through prayer and love until we all meet again.  Daisy Marguerite dearly loved wife and mother of the above died 2 July 1994.

250 -  In loving memory of our dear parents Albert Reginald Stephens 1894 - 1981 and his wife Clarice Kate 1896 - 1988.  Resting in peace.

251 -  Loving memories of a dear husband Walter Johnson died 20th March 1982 aged 78 years and his wife Alice died 6th May 1991 aged 85 years.

252 -  In loving memory of Leslie Albert Thomas Blake a dearly beloved father who died 7th Sept 1982 aged 63 years.  Grant him thy eternal rest. (Small stone also present; Sheila, Peggy, Pam).

254 -  In loving memory of Archibald Frank Hooper 1903-1983 RIP also his wife Edith Alice 1902 - 1984.  Reunited.  (Also) Daughter Jean Margaret Mills 1932 – 2015.

255 -  Irene Gilbert "couturiere" 19 July 1908 3 August 1985.

256 -  In loving memory of a dear wife and mother Susanah Smith died 10th September 1985 aged 79 years.  RIP.  And her dear husband Francis Godwin Smith died 19th June 1999 aged 90 years.

257 -  Treasured memories of Barbara Stephens 1944 - 1986 a dearly loved wife and mother now at peace.

258 -  F R Smith 1937-1987.

259 -  To the memory of Edward William Holmes of Ardmore Youghal, Waterford, Eire, born 15th march 1901 died 1st April 1989.

260 -  In loving memory of Charlie Osborne died 28th July 1989 aged 73.  A beloved husband dear father and grandfather.

261 -  Loving memories of Norman Sydney Pearse 1908 - 1990 and his wife Annette Frances Pearse 1909-1996.

263 -  Treasured memories of a dear mother Bessie Price 1901 - 1992.  Always in our thoughts.

265 -  Arnold Guspert Blanchard ECMS US Navy 1939 - 1992.  Arnie, my love as always, Denise.

266 - {Bob Smallwood.  Sadly passed away 8th May 1995.} Wooden cross replaced with:  In memory of Robert James (Bob) Smallwood.  Born 17-11-1933, died 8-5-1995.

267 -  In Loving memory of Tony Ernest Stanley Rodman 8th September 1926 - 7th July 1994.

268 -  Treasured memories of a beloved mother Joan Margery Kiddle 1940-1994.  Also her mother Vera Dorothy Margery Cooke 1914-2004.  Love always.  In our hearts forever.

269 -  (Stone is set in the Church wall).  Here lyeth ye body of Robert Marston of ye Pish Gen who departed ye life ye 15th of Oct 1708 aged 77 years.  The Queens Lieutenant whilst on earth, did her just rights maintain, but now he hopes with Christ, In heaven to reign.  Robt his son died April ye 18th 1829.

270 -  In loving memory of Wilfred Stanley Papps, 1907-1974. Edith Irene Papps, 1914-1995.

271 -  (Stone has been moved from its original resting place and is now propped against a tree).  In loving memory of Joseph Baylis who died Feb 26 1877 aged 73 years.  Also of Elizabeth Baylis who died Jan 20 1861 aged 17 years.  Also of Charlotte widow of the above Joseph Baylis who died June 28 1888 aged 80 years.

272 -  (Stone has been moved from its original resting place and is now standing against the wall alongside the car park). Nora E M Brown who died December 24th 1900 aged 34 years.

273 -  In loving memory of Arthur Fitzroy Pullin 25th June 1924 27th November 1997. A dear husband and father.

274 -  In memory of a loving mother and grandmother Florence Grace Bunday who departed this life 6th July 1996 aged 80.  To live in the hearts of those we love is not to die.

275 -  (Propped against stone No 178).  In memory of Charles Smith Herbert who died Septr 19th 1878 aged 67 years.

276      -  In memory of Phoebe I Tinsey 1907-1998.  Also of George T Tinsey 1908-1987.

277      -  In loving memory of Donald Cobley BEM 1928-1999.

278      -  Marjorie D Hemmings.  Pausing by the wayside. And God shall wipe all tears from their eyes. Rev Ch21 v4.

279      -  In loving memory of Rachel Phelps 15th Mat 1927 – 5th January 2000.  Your peace in our hearts Lord at the end of the day.  Also her husband Michael Phelps 3rd November 1927 – 20th March 2022. 

280      -  In memory of Margaret Winifred Poulton.  A dear and loving wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother.  1926-2000.  Forever in our thoughts.

281      -  In loving memory of Marjory E Knickenburg  22.8.1924-8.5.2000.  RIP.

282      -  In loving memory of a dear brother and uncle Graham Herbert George Pullin who passed away 1st January 2001 aged 71. At rest.

283      -  Keith Savery Norton Court 13-06-1931 20-05-2000.

284      -  In loving memory of Kathleen Mary Blazdell.  A loving mother sister and aunt.  Died 10th July 2001 aged 79 years.  Also her son Martyn died aged 2½ years.

285      -  In loving memory of Doris Grace Overton (nee Massey)who died 1st August 2001 aged 92 years.  Beloved wife of Percival William Overton.

287      -  In loving memory.  Joan Ceinwen Mitchell 1920-2002.

288      -  Treasured memories of Jennifer Clare Donaldson 1957-2002.  So soft so calm yet eloquent the smile that wins the tints that glow.

289      -  In memory of Thomas Greening Marston of this parish who departed this life October 13th 1868 aged 67 years.  My witness is in heaven and my record is on high.

290      -  In loving memory of William Simmons who died May 8th 1883 aged 68 years.  Also of Harriet wife of the above who died May 4th 1882 aged 70 years.  In the midst of life we are in death.

291      -  In loving memory Edith Beatrice Jordan 1903-1934. (Wooden cross with brass plate).

292      -  In loving memory. Roy Wheeler 1928-2003.

293      -  In loving memory of Frederick William Allonby died 3rd April 2004 in his 93rd year.  And his dear wife Julia Mary died 6th February 2001 aged 84 years.  Till the day dawn and the shadows flee away.

294      -  Treasured memories of David Wainwright Briggs 1946 – 2005.  Forever at rest.  Always in our hearts.

295      -  In loving memory.  John Reginald Stonehewer 1923-1997.

296      -  Treasured memories of John George Gilbert Ward 1927 – 2004.  Also his Beloved Wife Patricia Lillian Ward ‘Nannie Pat’ 1928-2021.  Much Loved Parents, Grandparents and Great Grandparents.

Previously Treasured memories of John George Gilbert Ward 1927 – 2004.  A dear husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather. 

Previously on wooden cross :- John George Gilbert Ward Died 7th July 2004 Aged 77 years.

297      -  In memory of Desmond Bufton 1928-2005.

298      -  George Rawson 1920-2005 RIP.

299      -  In loving memory of Paul Andrew Handley 1946 – 2006.  Dearly loved husband, father and grandfather.  Forever in our heart.

300      -  Ed (Perry) Newland.  14.5.1920 – 15.12.1998.  Home at last.  2007.  RIP.

301      -  Dorothy Mary Norton daughter of A W & E Oakley. Born 10 April 1921 Died 15 November 2007 Aged 86 Years. Dearly loved mother and grandmother. Psalm 121.

302      -  Charles Francis Wilkins  26.5.1923 – 16.8.2006.

303      -  In loving memory of a dear husband and father Arthur David Walker “Andy” MBE BEM MSM RAF Rtd.  Died 14th May 2006 aged 72.  Lest we forget.

304      -  Caroline Elizabeth Dinnie nee Jones 1956-2008

305      -  In Loving Memory of Richard Eric Beale 28.5.1926 – 25.12.2013.  Beloved Husband Father and Grandfather.

306      -  In Loving Memory of Gertrude Mary Davis 1878 – 1938.  Also her husband Thomas Davis 1878 – 1947.

307      -  This oak is planted in loving memory of Graham Lockyer 23.5.1947 ~ 21.5.2010.  Deo Gratis.

308      -  Treasured memories of Archibald Newton ‘Archie’ Ex. Burma Veteran Died 22.02.2011 Aged 89 years.  A beloved Husband, Dad, Grandad and Great Grandad.  A kind loving man now at peace.

309      -  In Loving Memory of Geoffrey Henry Price ‘Geoff the Ref’ Born 19th March 1937 Died 8th June 2011  A Dear Brother and Friend always in our thoughts.

310      -  In Loving Memory of John Clive Rowlands Died 5th July 2013 Aged 86 Years. Norah Elsie Rowlands Died 31st  October 2016 aged 91 years.  Loved and Missed.

311      -  ?

312      -  (Wooden Cross).  In Loving Memory of Monica May Cook 12 June 1940 – 29 January 2015. 

Later; Treasured Memories Monica M Cook Nee Hooper 12 June 1940 29 January 2015 Loving and Devoted Wife, Mum and Nan.  Good Night God Bless Forever in our thoughts and in our hearts.  Special Mum, Loving and kind, gentle and true.  These are the memories I have of you.  Special Nan …

313      -  Alan Charles Topham 25.2.27 – 6.2.09 Loved and remembered always.

314      -  Terry Savery, Norton Court, 5.11.1934 - 21.11.2012

315      -  Bruce Edward Somerton, 20.11.1957 - 01.01.2015.  Dearly loved husband, father and friend.  Always in our thoughts.

316      -  Kevin Townend August 1953 – October 2019.  Dearly loved husband, father and grandfather.  Always in our thoughts.

317      -  In Loving Memory of John William Hipwood.  17th Aug 1933 – 17th Nov 2015.

318      -  In Loving Memory of Denis King 24.9.1930 - 17.5.2016.  Devoted Husband Cherished Father and Grandad.  Time to Rest.  And of Barbara Kathleen King 6.8. 1932 – 15.3.2018.  His Loving Wife Precious Mother and Grandmother.  United in Love.  The Lord is my Shepherd.

319      -  In Loving Memory of Jan Ingram 16 May 2020

Janet Ingram 1947-2020.  A loving wife who was cherished by all the family.  Always in our thoughts.  Forever in our hearts.

320      -  In Loving Memory Of Marion Bernice Spiers 18th October 1944 15th February 2019  Rest In Peace

321      -  In Loving Memory Of Carl Hagan 7/10/1966 – 27/12/2019 a loving thought a daily tear.  A constant wish that you were here.  Son, always in my heart.

In Memory Of Carl Hagan 7.10.1966 – 27.12.2019 Loving husband, father, son, brother, uncle and grandad

322      -  In Loving Memory Of Therese O’Regan 1942 – 2014  Together forever with Patrick John O’Regan ‘Paddy’ 1938 – 2018   Always in our hearts. 

323      -  George Ernest Freeman 1883 – 1955.  Grave now unmarked.

324  -  In Loving memory of Dennis Limbrick 1931 - 2020

325  -  Gwendoline Jones “Gwen” Died 21st March 2020 Aged 88 years

In loving memory of a beloved wife & mother Gwen Jones 25.03.31-21.03.202

326  -  In Loving Memory of Helen Suzanne Beattie 10.01.1948-16.01.2014

327  -  Pauline Anne Beale.  Died 16th February 2021.  Aged 91 years.

Pauline Anne Beale ‘Aunty Sue’ 17th December 1929 - 16th February 2021

328  -  To the beautiful memory of a dear wife & mum, daughter and sister, Sarah Jane Turbill.  19th 11 1967 – 15th 5 2021.   Loved and remembered always.

329  -  Treasured memories of Clive Albert Osborne 11.09. 1946-12. 11.2019.  a dearly loved Husband, Dad, Grampy & Brother.  Forever in our hearts.

330  -  Treasured Memories Maurice John Keel-Stocker 1932-2011 Dear Husband Loving Father and Grand Father One Pair Of Hands A Trust In God.

331  -  In loving memory of Ambrose Smith 6th December 943 – 7th April 2023.  If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I’d walk right up to heaven, and bring you home again.

332  -  Corcoran

333  -  In loving memory of Helen Smith 18th September 1957 – 24th July 2022